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Spreading Hope: Missouri’s 988 Community Awareness and Engagement Initiative & Insights from Evaluation Data

December 10, 2024

Since the national launch of 988 in 2022, the Missouri 988 team has taken a proactive approach to awareness and education efforts for one of the largest suicide prevention resources available, 988. The Missouri Department of Mental Health launched a statewide 988 awareness campaign to increase awareness and education of 988 throughout Missouri, highlighting 988 as a significant resource for anyone struggling. To ensure 988 messaging and marketing efforts were reaching and resonating with Missourians, the Missouri Department of Mental Health (DMH) partnered with the Missouri Institute of Mental Health (MIMH) to conduct messaging evaluation efforts. Through surveys and focus groups to measure awareness, knowledge, and use of 988, as well as discussions with various communities across Missouri, DMH and MIMH learned valuable insights into what Missourians know and think about 988 and what one group in particular is doing to promote 988 in the St. Louis area.

This webinar explored the progress made in spreading awareness and educating Missourians on 988, reviewed evaluation findings, and discussed how a passionate group of individuals works to saturate St. Louis with messages of hope and 988.


  • Casey Muckler, MPH, Crisis Services Coordinator, Missouri Department of Mental Health
  • Kailey Reeves, Crisis Services Specialist, Missouri Department of Mental Health
  • Liz Sale, PhD, Evaluation Director and Research Associate, Missouri Institute of Mental Health


Successful Grant Writing for 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline Centers (Part 2 of 2)

August 27, 2024

Part 2 of the webinar highlighted common grant writing challenges, identified key elements of successful proposals, and how to promote organizations with potential funders. The webinar concluded with an open Q&A session to allow the participants to ask the presenters questions.

Our presenter was Dr. Beverly Browning, CSPF, CFRE, founder and director of the Grant Writing Training Foundation.

Successful Grant Writing for 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline Centers (Part 1 of 2)

August 8, 2024

Part 1 of the webinar began by reviewing the importance of preparing for and researching grant opportunities and determining the best grants to apply for. Then, the webinar discussed the importance of building relationships with funders and standard grant writing formats. 

Our presenter was Dr. Beverly Browning, CSPF, CFRE, founder and director of the Grant Writing Training Foundation.


988 Collaboration with Mobile Crisis Teams

July 11, 2024

This webinar began with a national overview of mobile crisis teams by reviewing the 2023 National Survey of Mobile Crisis Teams. Following the national overview, the webinar dove deeper into how the state of Virginia has implemented mobile crisis teams and their coordination efforts with 988 Lifeline. Additionally, the webinar highlighted public policies and lessons learned to ensure accessibility and continuity of services between 988 Lifeline and mobile crisis teams. The webinar concluded with a Q&A session for attendees.    

The following speakers presented on this important topic:  

  • Amanda Miller, Director of Crisis Continuum, Vibrant Emotional Health
  • Preston Looper, Principal, Full Tilt Strategies, LLC 
  • Alexandria Robinson, Crisis Call Center (988) Program Manager, Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services 
  • Denise Hall, Crisis Systems Manager, Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services


NASMHPD June Meet-Me Call: Disaster Behavioral Health and Crisis Services

June 20, 2024

The webinar focused on the importance of crisis care and mental health support during disaster response. Representatives from Vibrant Emotional Health (Vibrant) highlighted disaster behavioral health preparedness, response, and recovery activities. In addition, presenters covered disaster-specific crisis training (Psychological First Aid – PFA), the Disaster Distress Helpline (DDH), and the Crisis Emotional Care Team (CECT). Following Vibrant’s presentation, state mental health representatives discussed how they have utilized the training/programs discussed by Vibrant and how they curated programs/trainings to meet their community’s needs following various types of disasters, including natural disasters and incidences of mass violence.


  • Vibrant Emotional Health Disaster Services” by Dr. April Naturale and Amy Carol Dominquez 
  • “Missouri Disaster Behavioral Health” by Beckie Gierer
  • “Disaster Crisis Counseling Program Implementation and Reflections: Tennessee” by Jennifer Armstrong and Andy Lawrence
  • Washington Update Information compiled by Aaron Walker, NASMHPD’s Policy Manager

NASMHPD April Meet-Me Call: 988 Accessibility for Deaf/Hard of Hearing Communities

April 18, 2024

This webinar focuses on the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline (988 Lifeline) and crisis services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing communities. Tia Dole, Ph.D., Chief 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline Officer at Vibrant Emotional Health (Vibrant), highlights the launch of 988 Lifeline ASL videophone service provider, DeafLEAD, to ensure equitable access for individuals in crisis who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have hearing loss. Additionally, Olivia Stein, Director of Videophone Crisis Line Services at DeafLEAD, provides an overview of the 988 Lifeline videophone service.


Amanda G. Somdal, LCSW, LICSW-S, Director of the Office of Deaf Services with the State of Alabama Department of Mental Health, and Kelly M. Sterling, MSW, LCSW, Director of the Office of Deaf Services with the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities, also discuss how their states have created specialized crisis care teams to ensure localized and accessible crisis care response for individuals needing a higher level of care.



Funding Options for 988 Contact Centers

March 5, 2024

This webinar, hosted by Vibrant Emotional Health and the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors (NASMHPD), begins with a national-level overview from NASMHPD on various 988 contact center funding options available. Following the national overview, the webinar takes a deeper dive into how Georgia is leveraging Medicaid’s Administrative Funds as one funding stream to finance 988 contact centers in their state. After hearing from Georgia, the webinar highlights how Washington is braiding funds, such as Medicaid, 988 fee, and state general funds, to support their 988 contact centers.  You will also learn how Washington is exploring commercial insurers as another viable funding source for crisis services. The webinar concludes with a Q&A session.

The webinar was moderated by Wendy Farmer, LPC, MBA Regional Vice President, Crisis Center of Excellence, Carelon Behavioral Health, with the following presenters:

  • Arlene Stephenson, MAS, NHDP, Senior Advisor, National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors (NASMHPD)
  • Wendy Tiegreen, MSW, Director, Office of Medicaid and Health Systems Innovation Provider Services, Georgia’s Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD)
  • Teresa Claycamp, Behavioral Health Strategic Advisor, Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery, Washington’s Health Care Authority (HCA)
  • Michele Fasano Wilsie, Deputy Section Manager, Rates and Finance, Financial Services, Washington’s Health Care Authority (HCA)
  • Jane Beyer, Senior Health Policy Advisor, Washington’s Office of the Insurance Commissioner (OIC)


988’s Role in Supporting Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

September 13, 2023

In this webinar, we explored the factors contributing to crises for individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD), provided valuable tips for counselors assisting during a crisis, offered recommendations for follow-up care, and emphasized the significance of being aware of the resources provided by local IDD/mental health authorities.


988/Crisis Workforce Challenges

May 10, 2023

We organized a roundtable discussion on workforce challenges, where panelists shared creative and successful strategies they implemented to overcome them. The webinar was moderated by Katherine Polanco, Director, 988 Workforce Management, Vibrant Emotional Health, with panelists:

  • Dr. Amy Watson, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
  • Lata Menon, First Choice Services, West Virginia
  • Arlene Stephenson, NASMHPD
  • Guy Dansie, Utah Dept. of Health and Human Services
  • Findley Montgomery, Samaritan, Boston, Massachusetts


Supporting Youth with High Acuity Crisis and Suicidal Needs

January 19, 2023

Vibrant’s PPGA Department and NASMHPD jointly hosted two speakers who provided resources and strategies to help participants better support youth with high acuity crisis and suicidal needs. The speakers also discussed the importance of collaboration and partnerships between state agencies and community organizations.


Gearing up for 2023: Policy & Advocacy Perspectives on 988

December 14, 2022

We convened a speaker panel to explore preparations for the upcoming 2023 legislative session. Participants gained insights into best practices to address their center’s needs. The panelists covered topics such as model 988 legislation, advocacy challenges, successful strategies, and establishing partnerships with state mental health agencies.


How Policy Can Help You!

September 13, 2022

In this webinar, we presented updates on federal and state legislative and regulatory initiatives, shared best practices, and discussed other pertinent policy-related information.

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