Valerie Silecchia, M Ed

Valerie Silecchia, M Ed

Valerie holds a master’s degree in Curriculum & Instruction from Penn State University and a bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood and Elementary Education with an English concentration from SUNY Oswego. Prior to joining Vibrant Emotional Health in 2022, she spent over 20 years as a classroom teacher. Her diverse background also includes developing training programs, editing professional manuscripts and doctoral dissertations, planning events, running government-funded programs, and conducting workshops for adult learners.

In the PPGA Department, Valerie edits the department’s monthly newsletter, manages the online content of their microsite, organizes webinars for stakeholders interested in mental health initiatives, and collaborates with internal and external partners to raise awareness and support for mental health policies. Outside work, Valerie is a dedicated community advocate and volunteers in local chapters promoting mental wellness, equity, and safer communities. Valerie enjoys reading, traveling, relaxing at the beach, and spending time with her husband, two daughters, and tripod pup.